My Big Boy Garden I wanted to grow my own "organic garden" for the girls. I knew I wanted to grow potatoes but that's it. I went to Lowe's and picked out a variety of things that I thought we would actually eat. With three girls we are definitely on a tight budget so I needed to make my purchases count. I came home with way too much stuff and most of these I had never grown before. I had to use my superior intellect and researched the in's and out's of each vegetable on the internet (Thank God for those who blog about gardens). I felt confident enough to borrow my dad's tiller.
After I fought the tiller up the hill to the garden area(I wish I had video)I tilled the flat area behind my house. I let the soil sit for a few days so I could avoid any frosts. All the plants I bought would die if temperatures goes below freezing. I planted each one keeping plenty of room between the different plants. I got them all in the ground in late April.

What I planted:
-Crook neck squash
-Jalapeno Peppers
-Russet Potatoes
-Tomatoes (grown before)
-Okra (grown before)
-Sweet Potatoes (because of my mother-in-law)

This picture is where we are now with the garden. Everything has had a couple of months to grow. I have been very surprised with how everything looks so far.


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